***The Green Blockchain is a BETA project. The community has pride in this project. As an active decentralized community member, please do not make promises or over-promise on any exchange expectations or make any false representation on future statements or earnings claims. This only hurts the project. To best support the project is to contribute to the community and share the adoption with non-community members.
GREEN is a digital reward. With the Set Power Free App, one may transfer GREEN to others on the Green Blockchain. Because Green is decentralized, it can be found on many different DeFi exchanges, decentralized exchanges, peer to peer marketplaces, the most common can be found on Uniswap or Etherscan . As a decentralized community contributor anyone can choose to list GREEN on any exchanges to support the project.
GREEN is part of the Ethereum network. You can find it by going to etherscan.io, uniswap and/or MetaMask.
On etherscan.io, enter Green's smart contact address in the search bar.
On uniswap, enter Green’s smart contract address in the “Select Token” on the Swap tab.
Green's smart contact address:
(you will need to create (if not already created) or have a MetaMask account for this action)
On your MetaMask account, GREEN can be added to your MetaMask wallet as a Custom Token:
Go to "import Tokens"
Input Green’s smart contract address:
The Token symbol and the token decimal should automatically fill then click "Add custom token"
Click "Import Tokens"
In your MetaMask wallet, the GREEN token option should have been added.
GREEN can also be used to buy Green products in the Connect website. For more information, please click here.
Green digital reward is capitalized as GREEN
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