Please Note: You will need your MetaMask Account or to create a MetaMask Account/Download app (if not already created) to move forward. Your 12 or 24 word Recovery Phrase is also required to participate in this action.
Importing your wallet into MetaMask using these instructions:
Go to this link:
Input your 12 or 24 word Recovery Phrase. Remember to make sure the Recovery phrase is in the correct order, all lowercase and one space apart.
This tool will produce a Wallet Private Key and a Receiving Address.
You will need the Private Key to input into MetaMask.
If you do not already have an account, create a MetaMask account/download the extension.
On your MetaMask Account, ensure the currently selected network is Ethereum Mainnet.
Click the account selection within your MetaMask.
Click “Add account or hardware wallet” at the bottom of your accounts selection.
Select “Import Account” on the dropdown menu:
You will be directed to the Import page. Make sure the select type is Private Key. Paste your private key from the Recovering Private Key Tool and click “Import”
You should be able to see the newly added account in the dropdown menu with an "Imported" tag next to the account.
On the newly added Account, you will need to import GREEN as a token. Ensure the current selected network is Ethereum Mainnet. Then, click the import tokens link at the bottom of the page.
Click on Custom token and input the Contract Address:
Token contract address: 0xb2089A7069861C8D90c8dA3aaCAB8e9188C0C531
Token symbol: this should automatically populate to GREEN a few seconds after the address is entered
Token length: this should automatically populate to 8 a few seconds after the address is entered
Then click Add custom token and click Import tokens
You should be able to see GREEN as a separate token option within your wallet and your tokens should all show up.
Green digital reward is capitalized as GREEN
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